Call for speakers Digital Davos 2024

Call for Speakers: Digital Davos - Forging Tomorrow through Free Markets and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity

Event Synopsis: We are elated to unveil the inaugural “MyDavos @ Digital Davos 2024” summit, a groundbreaking congregation that will unite intellectual trailblazers, mavens, and visionaries from diverse fields to delve into the transformative potential of unbridled markets and individual enterprise. In an era defined by rapid change, our event is poised to explore crucial domains such as BioTech, AI, Fintech, Space, Venture Capital, Blockchain, alongside Innovative Solutions for Global Geopolitical Challenges and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

Event Philosophy: Digital Davos has been meticulously curated to foster insightful conversations, collaborative ideation, and the exploration of groundbreaking concepts that can shape industries and steer global progress. Our focal points are innovation, cooperation, and ethical considerations. We believe that by encouraging innovation and minimizing regulatory constraints, we can overcome challenges and pave the way for a brighter future.

Calling Innovators: We extend a warm invitation to erudite scholars, thought leaders, researchers, innovators, and practitioners worldwide to join us as speakers at Digital Davos. We are particularly interested in individuals who possess deep expertise, knowledge, or have demonstrated the ability to ignite societal and economic progress in the following realms:

  1. BioTech: Delve into the frontiers of biotechnology, exploring advancements in medical research, genomics, personalized medicine, and the ethical dimensions of innovation.
  2. AI (Artificial Intelligence): Investigate the evolution of AI, its applications across industries, the ethical development of AI, and the societal impact of autonomous technologies.
  3. Fintech: Engage in discourse about the convergence of finance and technology, encompassing themes like blockchain’s potential in finance, digital currencies, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the democratization of financial access.
  4. Space: Probe the latest advancements in space exploration, satellite technology, commercial space ventures, and humanity’s potential beyond Earth’s confines.
  5. Venture Capital: Illuminate the landscape of venture capital, investment trends, emerging markets, and the catalyzing role venture funds play in nurturing innovation-driven startups.
  6. Blockchain: Unearth blockchain’s untapped potential beyond cryptocurrencies, examining its role in enhancing supply chain transparency, digital identity verification, and industry transformation.
  7. Innovative Solutions for Global Geopolitical Challenges: Propose ingenious solutions driven by innovation to address complex global geopolitical challenges, fostering international cooperation and sustainable progress.
  8. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): Explore the integration of ESG principles into enterprises, investment strategies, and the role of innovation in promoting responsible and sustainable practices.

The Innovation Imperative: By participating as a speaker at Digital Davos, you’ll have a platform to share your insights with a global audience of likeminded individuals, decision-makers, and pioneers. We believe that fostering innovation and minimizing regulatory impediments are key to addressing humanity’s pressing challenges and ushering in a new era of progress.

Application Process: submit your application to speak at Digital Davos. Please provide a concise overview of your expertise, proposed topic, with in a post below.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2023


Exciting! What is the best way to submit an application @chainblx27

Just post below as instructed above " Application Process: submit your application to speak at Digital Davos. Please provide a concise overview of your expertise, proposed topic, with in a post below."

Here is an idea for a session I would like to run. I would include some additional panelists from the insurance/reinsurance industry as well as AI field.

Title: The Role of AI in Making Insurance Fairer and More Accessible in the Age of Climate Change


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the insurance industry, making it fairer and more accessible to people around the world, especially in the age of climate change. AI can be used to improve risk assessment, pricing, and claims processing, which can help to reduce costs and make insurance more affordable. AI can also be used to expand the reach of insurance to people who are currently excluded, such as those in developing countries or those with limited access to traditional financial services.

Climate change is already having a significant impact on the insurance industry. We are seeing more frequent and intense storms, wildfires, and other natural disasters. This is making it more difficult for insurers to assess risk and price premiums fairly. AI can help insurers to better understand the risks associated with climate change and to develop more accurate pricing models.

AI can also be used to develop new products and services that are designed to address the challenges of climate change. For example, AI can be used to develop insurance products that are specifically designed for people living in areas that are at risk of climate-related disasters. AI can also be used to develop early warning systems that can help people to prepare for and respond to natural disasters.

The use of AI in insurance is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make a significant impact on the industry. AI can help to make insurance fairer and more accessible, and it can also help insurers to address the challenges of climate change.


This session is for anyone interested in the future of insurance, including insurance professionals, academics, policymakers, and the general public.


Participants in this session will learn about the potential benefits of using AI in insurance, as well as the risks associated with this technology. They will also learn about the ethical considerations that need to be taken into account when using AI in insurance.

Thanks for your consideration @chainblx27


Here is one additional topic that would fit under the BioTech heading.

Title: The Promise of Psychedelics for Mental Health Treatment


Psychedelics have been used for centuries for their mind-altering properties. In recent years, there has been a growing body of research on the potential of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD.

Studies have shown that psychedelics can help to reduce symptoms of mental illness, improve mood, and promote psychological healing. They can also help people to connect with their inner selves and to gain new perspectives on their problems.

However, there are also some limitations to the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment. Psychedelics are still illegal in many countries, and there is a lack of clinical trials to support their use. Additionally, psychedelics can have side effects such as anxiety, nausea, and flashbacks.

Despite these limitations, the research on psychedelics is promising. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that psychedelics can be a safe and effective treatment for mental health conditions.

In this session, we will discuss the potential of psychedelics for mental health treatment. We will review the research, discuss the current limitations, and explore the future of this promising field.


This session is for anyone interested in the potential of psychedelics for mental health treatment, including mental health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the general public.


Participants in this session will learn about the potential of psychedelics for mental health treatment, as well as the research and limitations in this field. They will also learn about the future of psychedelics for mental health treatment.

Thanks for your consideration @chainblx27


hello DD team; always glad to help you. As author and investor I have spoken many times ( . Ideally now moderating panels. Our portfolio includes e.g. Space, blockchain, AI.



Business Continuity is a must-have for all substantial companies. It is now a requirement for licensing in the EU and the UK, among others. Beyond the requirements, given the volatility in this space, it is a serious ‘must-have’ for all blockchain/crypto companies who are significantly impacting the space. However, it is not widely understood nor applied in this space. Having been part of the 9-11 Commission and propelled the creation of the US National Standards for Emergency Preparedness as well as having been part of the US team for ISO 22301 " Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems Requirements", I will outline the requirements and the ‘how to’ elements for our community.

Benefits: This topic is never discussed in the blockchain/crypto events, but incredibly important for companies to have a risk assessment and plan for maintaining their operations regardless of the cause for disruption. All members of companies will benefit from this discussion and recognize that they have a role in any continuity plan for their company and operations. Everyone will come away with an understanding why having a plan and practicing that plan will benefit their ability to continue operations when a disaster of any sort (regulatory, cyber, geo-political, or other risks) come to harm their ability to continue.

My time in this space since 2018 has only made me more aware of the need for this topic to be discussed in DAVOS as well as be implemented by the companies who occupy our space in order for the entire industry to continue to flourish. It is absolutely a critical element of any business trying to continue in today’s volatile regulatory, political, cyber risk and innovative economies.

Please contact me at to continue this discussion. I can do a keynote or it can be panel which I can pull together. Please don’t let this topic rest incognito for any longer.


Topic Synopsis for Davos Digital Summit

Title: The Rise of the Sole Proprietor Economy: Implications for Business, Government, and Society

Abstract:’s recent acquisition to serve sole proprietors is a sign of a broader shift in the economy away from large corporations and towards independent, owner-operated businesses. This shift is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing availability of technology, the rise of the gig economy, and the growing demand for personalized services.

The rise of the sole proprietor economy has a number of implications for business, government, and society. For businesses, it means that they need to find new ways to reach and engage with sole proprietors. For governments, it means that they need to create policies that support the growth of the sole proprietor economy. And for society, it means that we need to rethink the role of work and the definition of success.

This talk will explore the implications of the rise of the sole proprietor economy in more detail. It will also discuss what businesses, governments, and individuals can do to prepare for this new economic landscape.

Keywords: sole proprietorship, gig economy, digital transformation, future of work
Los Angeles, California, USA


I suggest a panel about the following subject:

Mastery in harnessing the potential of nature to inspire technological advancements, such as for example utilizing slime mold as a living data network to delve into the similarities between natural designs and network infrastructure, and promoting a deeper connection to nature through the integration of sound, breath, and technology.


Topic: Bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms!

Seamlessly linking the physical and digital worlds through cutting-edge technologies like Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and the Web, Mapstar enables precise and efficient delivery of information exactly when and where it’s needed. Serving as the operating system of the physical world, Mapstar opens up nearly limitless possibilities across various industries. From captivating virtual travel experiences to inspiring learning environments and precise medical training, Mapstar represents a quantum leap in industry advancement. The potential to fundamentally transform how businesses operate and interact with environments, employees, and customers is breathtaking. A presentation on Mapstar promises an inspiring journey into the future of the complete digital economy!

Thanks for your consideration @chainblx27

I am looking forward to this event.


Title: Unveiling Diversification: A Deep Dive into Crypto Investment Strategies by

Abstract: The presentation will explore the diverse array of strategies that utilizes, demonstrating the fund’s adeptness in optimizing risk-adjusted returns in the ever-evolving crypto market. With insights from half a decade of research data, the talk will shine a light on:

  • The fundamentals of diversification in the context of the crypto ecosystem.
  • An in-depth analysis of’s unique strategies and their implications on portfolio performance.
  • Real-world case studies illustrating the practical application and outcomes of these strategies.
  • Future trends and potential shifts in crypto diversification strategies.


This presentation will offer invaluable insights for both novice and seasoned investors, helping them navigate the complexities of the crypto investment world. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how diversified strategies, exemplified by, can maximize returns while mitigating risks. Furthermore, the session aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders, catalyzing innovation in crypto investment approaches.

Thanks for your consideration


Application to Speak at Digital Davos 2024

Overview of Expertise:

I am Linxin Gu, an AI-driven global social entrepreneur passionate about advancing biotech and sustainability through private-public partnerships. My career has been marked by global perspectives, pioneering work at the intersection of tech innovations with a cross-disciplinary focus of AI applications in biotech and healthcare, social entrepreneurship and cross-sectoral engagement for tech diplomacy and policy, all to advocate Tech4Good. Hence, it maks me well-equipped to contribute to the transformative discussions at Digital Davos.

Proposed Topic:

Title: "Innovative Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Blueprint for Ethical Technological Advancements in AI-driven Biotech to Bridge Health4All“


In an era of rapid technological change, biotech stands as a pivotal domain with the power to reshape healthcare, biomedicine (cell and gene therapies), and climate-monitoring biodiversity. As a result, our ethical compass matters more than ever. My proposed topic delves into the transformative potential of forging innovative cross-sector partnerships to foster ethical technological advancements in biotech innovations. Through my experiences and research, I will explore how the collaboration of tech experts, policymakers, and industry leaders can address global health challenges while upholding ethical dimensions of innovation, bridging geopolitical divides to enable Health4All.

Relevant Expertise and Achievements:

  • TechConnect Founder & CEO: My role as the founder of TechConnect, a multidisciplinary consulting and training firm focusing on AI implementations in healthcare and sustainability, exemplifies my commitment to bridging technology and ethical considerations.
  • Global Shapers Community Leadership: My role as the Curator of the Cambridge-MA Hub within the Global Shapers Community, World Economic Forum highlights my dedication to fostering private-public partnerships and international cooperations to enable innovative solutions to global challenges.
  • International Venture Capital and Startup Experience: My experience in venture capital and startup co-founding, in both Asian and North American markets, positions me at the forefront of emerging technology trends, aligning with the event’s focus on venture capital and innovation-driven startups.
  • Interdisciplinary Background: With an education background in Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and International Studies from Johns Hopkins University, I shadowed many world-class scholars across China, the US and Japan, including Fellow from the National Academy of Sciences, and Nobel Laureates, enabling cross-disciplinary reserch in AI-driven health technologies, I offer a unique interdisciplinary perspective critical for addressing BioTech’s ethical dimensions.

My participation at Digital Davos 2024 would provide a platform to share insights on fostering innovation, ethical considerations, and cross-sector collaboration in the BioTech industry, aligning perfectly with the event’s philosophy of promoting innovation, cooperation, and ethical progress.

LinkedIn Page:

I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this vital conversation and help shape a brighter, more sustainable future.


Innovative Solutions for Global Geopolitical Challenges:
TITLE: Overpopulation and voluntary family planning: setting a new political agenda.

Voluntary family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of pregnancies. It is achieved through use of all available contraceptive methods.
• international and regional human rights treaties and national constitutions and laws provide legally binding obligations for States to ensure timely and affordable access to quality family planning information, services and contraceptive commodities for men and women;

  • family planning is key to slowing unsustainable population growth and the resulting negative impacts on the economy, environment, and national and regional development efforts.
    • investments in family planning are a long-term crucial answer to contributing to tackling overpopulation, with an impact on the environment, economic development and public structures available.
  • evidence suggests that women who have more than four children are at increased risk of maternal mortality;
    • most recent WHO published data estimate that 214 million women of reproductive age in developing regions who want to avoid pregnancy are not using a modern contraceptive method. This huge unmet need is especially high among groups such as: adolescents, migrants, urban slum dwellers, refugees and women in the postpartum period;
    • the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make specific references to family planning in regard to health and well-being, gender, equality and women’s empowerment.
    population growth, contributing towards the SDGs related to the economy, environment and development.

We could discuss this topic with a group of experts working at field level, including memebers of UN agencies.
Michele Usuelli
-Neonatal Intensive care Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Italy.
-Former Regional counsellor Lombardy, elected with Più Europa


Would love to speak on how technology and entrepreneurs can team up to prevent wars!
Any panels on this important topic?


I suggest the topic of asset protection for serial LLCs and Segregated Portfolio Companies (SPCs) in foreign or out-of-state jurisdictions. This topic has become more relevant beca
use, as of one year ago, all new offshore fund structures were only 10% SPCs, and now nearly 90% are SPCs. Additionally, there is an ongoing discussion already linked.


Dear all,

It is great to see preparations for DavosDigital 2024. I’d love to suggest a panel discussion about intersection of Web3 (blockchain)/ AI and ESG. I’m a co-coordinator for COP28 Digital Innovation Pavilion in November 2023 in Dubai. I’d be happy to share the outcomes of our delegation to COP and invite other speakers from green tech and web3 communities.

Irina Karagyaur


Looking forward to Davos again.

Happy to speak about ESG in real estate, how stranded assets are coming up, current regulations and how to drive added value.

I am running a company that is active in this field for 12 years, we are now serving clients as Blackstone, Goodman, etc.

Kind regards

Julian Marwitz
Arineos GmbH


I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

I am writing to express my interest in participating as a speaker at the upcoming Digital Davos Online event. The prospect of connecting with esteemed leaders in the fields of Economics, Finance, AI, and Biotech is an exciting opportunity to share insights and innovations from our company, Foxstone.


Revolutionizing Real Estate Investment through Digital Crowdfunding: The Foxstone Experience

In an era of technological advancement and financial evolution, Foxstone emerges as a pioneering force in the real estate industry. Our platform, based in Switzerland, revolutionizes traditional investment models by seamlessly integrating digital crowdfunding with real estate opportunities.

This presentation aims to shed light on the transformative potential of digital crowdfunding in the real estate sector. By democratizing access to prime real estate projects, Foxstone empowers a diverse range of investors, facilitating both financial growth and the democratization of wealth.

Key Points:

  1. Democratizing Real Estate Investment: Explore how Foxstone breaks down barriers, allowing a wider audience to participate in real estate ventures previously accessible only to a select few.
  2. Tech-Driven Due Diligence: Delve into the advanced technological tools and methodologies employed by Foxstone to ensure transparency, security, and optimal returns for our investors.
  3. Economic Impact and Market Disruption: Discuss the broader implications of digital crowdfunding on the traditional real estate market, and how Foxstone’s model is reshaping the landscape.

By participating in this session, attendees will gain valuable insights into the future of real estate investment and how digital platforms like Foxstone are driving positive change in the industry.



Proposal for ESG-Focused Panel Discussion at World Economic Forum Digital.Davos 2024

Panel Title: “AI, Privacy, and Global Security: An ESG Perspective on Unveiling Intelligence AI”

Why It’s Important Globally as an ESG Discussion: The introduction of the CIA’s ChatGPT-style AI for intelligence operations transcends technological advancement; it stands as a pivotal moment for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations. This unveiling prompts essential discussions on the ethical use of AI, the preservation of individual privacy, and the wider societal and governance implications. The intersection of AI and ESG underscores how businesses and nations must incorporate ethical AI practices into their governance frameworks to ensure sustainability, responsible innovation, and social equity on a global scale.

Why It’s Important for the Business Community and Other Attendees: For the business community attending Digital.Davos, this panel delves into the evolving ESG landscape and how responsible AI development plays a pivotal role. It emphasizes the significance of ethical considerations in AI deployment, the responsibilities of private industry in safeguarding consumer privacy, and the importance of global collaboration in setting ESG standards for technological innovation. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how AI impacts ESG goals, both positively and negatively, and why it’s critical to align AI strategies with ESG principles.

Moreover, in a stark contrast to Snowden’s time when the sheer volume of data made comprehensive analysis challenging, today’s mass analysis capabilities transform raw data into actionable information, intensifying the risk of unethical use. As we navigate the growing influence of AI on global security, businesses and policymakers alike must recognize the intrinsic link between AI, ESG, and the sustainable future we aspire to achieve.

On a related note, for those seeking ESG advisory services, I would be more than happy to discuss how to integrate responsible AI practices into your investment strategies for a sustainable and ethical portfolio. Feel free to connect with me to explore this further.


Innovative Solutions for Global Geopolitical Challenges:

Title: Putting an end to unjust wars and states that allow human rights violations

I have a simple yet I think realistic and effective way to end unjust military invasions, and also over time eliminate human rights violations not addressed by the states they occur in. I consider a “just” military invasion one that invades a state that sponsors or ignores human rights violations, to replace them with a state that protects fundamental human rights as described by the UN. I’d like to bring more attention to this simple yet effective way to keep the world safe from much unnecessary violence.

I’m the executive director of the Free Thinker Institute, a not for profit looking to increase happiness and decrease harm in the world and I’d like to spread ideas that do the same. You can learn more about us here: Learn More about The Free Thinker Institute - Google Docs