Davos Organization Phase II

Davos Action Required. With the passing of the September 30 deadline, all the organizers are now officially in the second-to-last phase of Davos planning before the event begins on January 15, 2024. At this stage, the options available for event hosts are quite limited. Creating your own venue is essentially impossible, as all external branding and information about the final tenants in each location had to be submitted to the city. This finalizes the arrangements in Davos, where venues often undergo changes along the Promenade. From this point forward, you cannot establish a new venue; you can only secure sponsorships and organize events at existing and licensed venues. For instance, you can rent a restaurant for several hours, collaborate on branding in a shared space, or host gatherings in a hotel. “Umnutzung,” which means using a venue for a purpose other than its typical use, is not feasible, and opening times must now be communicated to the city. Catering, security, AV, and build-out suppliers are in high demand and are working diligently to secure the necessary resources. Therefore, it’s time to get DAVOS ready. Anyone needing an event within an event should reach out organizers. If you wish to speak, keep an eye out for the early call for speakers and submit your application. Digital Davos application link here: Call for speakers Digital Davos 2024]. Don’t delay, as prices will increase and flexibility to make arrangements will become increasingly restricted as the event approaches due to city and security regulations in Davos. With less time to prepare and p it’s crucial to act promptly.