Call for speakers Digital Davos 2024

“Menschlichkeit” in the Metaverse?


The German meaning of “Menschlichkeit” captures the essence of being human, humanity and human kindness, all at the same time. With an emerging array of metaverse worlds for business, leisure, human interactions, the process of digitalization continues, which started well in the late 80’ies and 90’ies of the previous century. But virtual communities and worlds have evolved since then, and the exponential curve continues at full speed. We live a tech lifestyle on steroids. But the fundamentals have not changed. Humans (mostly) like (some) humans, but increasingly many discover the appeal to speak with an AI, or bond with a virtual movie or game character as avatars.

In the metaverse, the promise of VR/AR allows for more immersion, while AI enables all of us to speak a universal language, just like Esperanto, i.e., a global language that anyone understands, thanks to real-time language translation. The world finally becomes a village. But will this deep tech adventure leave ‘Menschlichkeit’ as unnecessary debris behind? Which cultures and lifestyles will become dominant, and which ones vanish or gracefully decline, while new cyberpunk & metaverse subcultures and tribes emerge. This ain’t all news: back in 1985 Donna Harraway published her Cyborg Manifesto.

Since then, technologies advanced further, with neurolinks, cyborg bodies, ectogenesis, cryonics and, ultimately, transhumanism the question becomes immanent: What will be left of us humans? When AIs simulate the dead and created loved and cherished personas, while newborns benefit from longevity tech and may not need to worry anymore about physical death. Or will they?

The balance between analogue flesh and digital circuits remains fragile. A vinyl record will never lose its appeal, but 80% of earth’s population can’t afford 20, 25 US$ just to listen to music. Today they stream their daily fix from free online services or hoard large libraries of old – technically illegal and outdated – MP3 collections. But the metaverse may allow for affordable, shared experiences and virtual communities beyond socio-cultural borders, across languages and continents. The metaverse will allow anyone to become an overnight music star, or an astrophysicist, who attended lectures at the most renowned universities almost for free, or then work half-way across the world in a prestigious corporation, without ever having visited the headquarters, or even speak the corporate language.

This suggested panel is based on a previous panel & dialogue held at SNGLR.NFT’s Art Basel event in summer 2023 between philosopher Oliver Mauer ( and tech-sociologist Daniel Diemers (SNGLR.GROUP). The panel composition is wide open and should comprise at least these two disciplines and any other person that feels energized by the theme and wants to contribute.

My individual expertise: I’ve been researching this topic since the 90’ies – wrote 1 book, a couple of articles and attended various academic conferences on above subjects (e.g., AoIR in Kansas/US, Silicon Valley, etc.), also wrote my Ph.D. on “trust & knowledge in virtual communities” drawing on my primary research and experience in that field, plus all the academic research available at the time. The last 10+ years worked mostly in the blockchain space, so kept close to stuff that’s happening and at SNGLR.GROUP we are deep in the rabbit hole around Metaverse/ blockchain, but also AI, smart cities, smart mobility, and longevity

submitted by: Daniel Diemers from SNGLR Group

see also: SNGLR.NFT SNGLR Group


Investing into the Metaverse


With the emergence of large and growing Web 3.0 and Metaverse ecosystems the cards are dealt anew, with big bets both by Big-Tech companies, large consumer and luxury brands, but also many startups and notabene the typically rather nerdy blockchain, crypto & DeFi community.

Many people, companies, family offices, VC and PE funds are currently asking themselves: how can we capture the upside? How can one best invest into this new tech trend?

In this panel the entire spectrum of opportunities is being discussed: from going in with classic equity, debt and fund investments into listed companies around the world, to more hedge fund oriented strategies, indices, derivatives and algorithmic strategies, over to – what many see as the “wild country” – early-stage VC financing, or even company building, to finally acquiring Web 3.0 / Metaverse linked digital assets directly, tokens, NFTs, crypto’s, etc.

Just as with any new technology, the experts need to get a feel quick towards who and where the winners may be. Sectorial, size, geography, etc. Are infrastructure providers, cloud, quantum, etc. or rather enabling tech, like AI, AR/VR, blockchain etc., or finally content creators and world builders the best route into the metaverse?

While the jury is still out, recent examples are worth discussing, while also some overarching themes warrant a good talk battle: are we early, or are we late? Are we just admiring the second Second Life hype, or is it all here to stay now. Which industry sectors, which regions, etc. will be the first to scale? Shouldn’t we rather ask the Millenials and Gen Z’s about this? Are people, societies, incl. the developing parts of the world, ready for this or don’t we have larger issues to fix first?
On the backdrop of these more fundamental considerations: how would a balanced investment strategy look like? And how an aggressive one? And what are key data and “weak signals” that one should keep a lookout for?

This suggested panel should comprise experts from at least 3 investment sectors: experts on listed equities & financial markets; Early stage VC to PE; Token/Crypto/Play-to-Earn investors, and maybe a clear overly optimistic investor that has already significant skin in the game, and a fully convinced sceptic, who has rather a “now is not the time” approach to metaverse investments.

My individual expertise: I’ve been investing myself as angel investor in related startups (mainly blockchain and digital focused startups) the past 12-14 years, also deep in the crypto/token/DeFi/NFT arena as an investor. Co-Founded SNGLR.NFT, which is a Metaverse & NFT collective that invests in new and upcoming artists in the space. Co-Founded SNGLR.GROUP, where we run a dedicated Venture Capital fund (early stage) that invests in startups in those themes. Also solid experience around equity and direct investments into the space due to a couple of mandates from family offices and even banks.

submitted by: Daniel Diemers from SNGLR Group

see also: SNGLR.NFT SNGLR Group

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A New Approach to Silicon-based Intelligence

Modern AI is fraught with fundamental issues regarding transparency, traceability, resource expenditure, and development costs. Additionally, approximately 70% of the AI workflow to-date is spent on data manipulation: that is, massaging the data in order to train AI workflows better, faster, and more efficiently.

We present herein a unique model to handling data that reduces the need for data cleaning and handling, and provide improved inference (decision-making). Using our proprietary equation-oriented and physics-based approach, our model is constrained by data, rather than being built or fitting to any one dataset over time. This preserves data integrity, reducing the risk of biased results. Additionally, given the nature of our approach, our model enables traceability and transparency unlike models currently offered.

Benefits: opening discussion to a new approach to data, current concerns/risks with modern AI, and alternative perspectives on data processing and analytics.

Expertise: The Nooroot Inc. team is a multidisciplinary group with domain expertise and backgrounds including: theoretical physics, mathematics, medicine, signal processing, computer science, biology, and environmental sustainability
Contact: Maya Polackal,

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Title: Scaling digital trust through evidential data validity


Upcoming regulations such as the Ecodesign Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) require increasingly granular information, while economic actors lack the prerequisites for control mechanisms to ensure information authenticity across their value chains.

Blockchain is frequently proposed as jack-of-all-trades solution, whereas the diversity of value chain participants and differences in digital maturity make it impossible to agree on a single trusted ledger anytime soon.

In the session, I would like to challenge the blockchain paradigm and discuss decentralized cryptographic evidence as a pragmatic alternative to establishing decentralized operations for trusted collaboration.


Anyone interested in digital trust, scaling of trusted digital collaboration, blockchain adoption challenges as well as regulators and economic actors looking to establish mechanisms for independently verifiable data.


Participants will get a fresh perspective on blockchain technology as well as its inherent limitations when it comes to scaling trust in a B2B context.


Business technologist and “Plattform Industrie 4.0” co-author of the publication “Becoming digital champion – Data economy through digital transformation” which will be released by BMWK in January 2024. Focused on identifying the sweet spot for blockchain beyond financial assets. Tim Schojohann - Cryptar | LinkedIn

For any questions or clarifications, please feel free to reach out to me via

Thank you for your consideration.

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