Why are their different kind of managers

You may always assign multiple types of managers to an event as an event organizer.

As the master event manager, you may ask other managers to assist you in planning the event, such as inviting people through CVS files or closing from a list of attendees who applied to attend your event or were suggested by our AI. Master event organizers can also adjust the event’s scheduling, location, and visuals. Master event managers can create child events and assign a specific set of managers to each one. Thus, master event managers can invite a) other master event managers, b) child event managers to arrange break out sessions and parties, and c) door managers to oversee the guest list to their event.

Master managers can also choose onsite managers, who will be in charge of the operation inside the event. When capacity is reached, the on-site manager can throttle the door by allowing just chosen guests to enter or put a temporary stop to the entry. On-s ide managers can also approve those who have been added to the fast request form by door managers. Typically, the on-site manager is one of the most experienced event organizers.