Papers and Research

This platform serves as a comprehensive resource for accessing research papers and publications authored by attendees and speakers of the Davos conference. I encourage you to share any relevant links that you may have, and I will gladly incorporate them into the collection.

The author is a Professor of Law and Director of
International Legal Studies at California Western School of Law
(CWSL) in San Diego and a Research Fellow at Singapore University
of Social Sciences. He has served on the U.S. delegation to the World
Intellectual Property Organization Advisory Committee on
Enforcement and has consulted for the U.S. Department of Justice and
U.S. Department of State on Intellectual Property protection issues. He
thanks Christy Hsu and Katie Kaessinger for their research assistance
with this Article. The author also thanks CWSL Vice-Dean Hannah
Brenner for her kind suggestion that he write an article on the
metaverse and Professor Danny Friedmann of the Peking University
School of Transnational Law in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China,
for his helpful notesNew law review on Meta verse

The Papacy just released its guidelines on Ethical AI: Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

“It may come as a surprise to some to discover the Vatican’s engagement with this project but it is ultimately the result of meetings – “encounters” to use one of Pope Francis’ favorite words – between the Vatican and the world of technology.”

This is to be welcomed for at least three reasons.

Firstly at the heart of many #AI Ethics discussions are bigger questions about human society - what do we mean by “fairness” for example. The wider these debates go the better for us all. If we rely only on VC investment choices or the iron clamp of regulation we will miss the wider conversation that society needs to be having.

Secondly, based on a quick skim, it appears to be a sensible and appropriately sober appraisal of potential approaches to AI oversight.

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Great to have a place to consolidate the work of the DD community. Speaker from 2022 presented on nanotech and it was of particular interest to me:


A urine test to detect cancer; I hope it is true. But after a certain company in SV had us all convinced that this kind of wonder tech is possible, some healthy skepticism is in order.

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#The New Normal: Deploy or Depreciate? Hidden Costs of Avoiding Crypto Investment


Key takeaways:
:rocket: Despite crypto’s small market share (0.95%), it offers significant ROI potential.
:bar_chart: CKC.Fund emphasizes researching altcoins for higher upside potential and diversification.
:chart_with_downwards_trend: Small- and mid-cap digital assets can yield large ROI but come with higher risk.
:shield: Crypto allocations should combine diversification and risk mitigation.
:briefcase: Institutional investors expected to drive the next crypto growth phase.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Crypto funds manage only 0.04% of all crypto assets, showing growth opportunities.
:bank: Institutional investors can benefit from research teams and offshore advantages.
:mag: Crypto’s asymmetry with global cap presents an alpha opportunity.
:moneybag: Crypto can be an essential part of an alternative asset allocation.