Israeli-Palestinian war

Our response is delayed, but the current situation must be addressed by Davos organizers. Digital Davos strongly condemns the terrorist attacks on Israel. There are NO circumstances that would justify abducting, taking hostages, or killing civilians in any conflict. Without weakening this statement, we will foster a discussion about this conflict, but we will not in any way support any discussion that remotely endorses barbaric killing of innocent people. It is time for industry and business leaders to also consider taking an active stance on this issue. Such discussions can take place without bias but should never be held in the shadow of hostages or under terrorist acts

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My heart is broken. There is nothing that can justify something like this. I agree with @chainblx27 that market forces, for lack of a better way to say it, do have a place in solving the world’s most desperate problems. I hope that doesn’t sound cynical at a time like this. It is not meant to be.

This affects us all. The day that this happened, people were openly celebrating on a street here in Berlin.

Yesterday, a far right party had a surprising surge in local elections in Bavaria. Again.

These two things are directly related.