Family Planning in Modern Politics

Addressing Overpopulation and Voluntary Family Planning in Modern Politics

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Voluntary family planning is essential for individuals to achieve their desired family size and control the timing of pregnancies. Legal obligations, as outlined in international treaties and national laws, mandate affordable and timely access to family planning services and contraceptives. It plays a pivotal role in curbing unsustainable population growth, mitigating its adverse effects on the economy, environment, and regional development. Investments in family planning are a long-term solution to address overpopulation, which impacts various facets of society. The unmet need for contraception, particularly among vulnerable groups, remains a global concern. Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, family planning contributes to economic, environmental, and developmental objectives. Experts, including UN agency members, can further explore this critical topic.

Speaker : Dr. Michele Usuelli is a distinguished medical professional with a diverse and impactful career spanning various domains of medicine, humanitarian work, and politics. His journey has been marked by a relentless dedication to improving the health and well-being of individuals, both locally and globally.

With a solid foundation in medical education, Dr. Usuelli earned his Medical Degree with the highest honors, graduating Cum Laude from the University of Milan, Italy, in September 1999. His exemplary academic achievements continued as he completed a Master’s in Pediatrics, earning board certification in pediatrics from October 1999 to September 2004. During this time, he exhibited a strong commitment to research, culminating in a groundbreaking thesis titled “Influence of micronutrients supplementation in mortality, morbidity, and growth pattern in rural Cambodian infants in the first 2 years of life.” This influential research was published in the prestigious J Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in January 2007.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Usuelli’s humanitarian spirit led him to extend his medical expertise to regions afflicted by conflict and crisis. For eight years, he served as a medical doctor in war-torn countries, where he provided critical neonatal intensive care to vulnerable populations in the midst of adversity. His courage and selflessness were further demonstrated by his role as a doctor on board during search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea. These missions were vital in saving lives and providing medical assistance to migrants and refugees facing perilous journeys.

Beyond his medical career, Dr. Usuelli ventured into the realm of politics, where he served as an elected politician for five years with the Italian liberal party PiĂą Europa in the regional council of Lombardia. In this capacity, he contributed to shaping policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing healthcare and overall well-being within his region.

Dr. Michele Usuelli’s multifaceted journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to medicine, humanitarianism, and public service. His dedication to research, coupled with his hands-on experience in challenging environments, has left an indelible mark on the field of medicine and the lives of countless individuals he has touched throughout his remarkable career.
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Dear Karl, thanks for the so nice presentation. I believe it will be an interesting time. If other would like to join us, which is the link to spread around? Take care you all, out there…Michele