Digital Davos LA May 7

Date: May 7, 2024
Location: Historical Cigar Club, 9715 S Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Welcome to Digital Davos @ LA – FutureTech, a premier gathering where innovation meets collaboration in the heart of Los Angeles. Set in a historically exclusive Cigar Club in Beverly Hills, this event brings together world-renowned leaders and visionaries for a day of cutting-edge discussions and high-level networking.

Event Schedule:

  • 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Engage in in-depth roundtable discussions on Artificial Intelligence, Space Exploration, Medicine & Biotech, and Crypto & Fintech, with participation from both in-person attendees and remote speakers.

  • 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Unwind at our exclusive cocktail party, featuring gourmet finger foods and premium beverages in an atmosphere of sophisticated relaxation.

Culinary and Beverage Highlights:

  • Cocktails and Liquors: Enjoy a selection of handcrafted cocktails and ultra-premium liquors

  • Gourmet Finger Foods:

The World Economic Forum (WEF), the Milken Institute Global Conference, and Digital Davos are prominent platforms where global leaders discuss and strategize on addressing major global issues. Each has its distinctive approach across various aspects. Here, I’ll delineate their differences regarding your specified aspects, now including Digital Davos:

  1. View on Government:
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): Emphasizes collaborative efforts between public and private sectors, supporting a strong role for governments in partnership with global businesses to tackle international challenges.
  • Milken Institute Global Conference: Advocates for a regulatory environment that supports private enterprise and innovation, emphasizing the role of private sector solutions with government enabling rather than directing change.
  • Digital Davos: Focuses on minimal government interference and decentralization, advocating for power to be shifted towards communities and the private sector, reducing the central role of governmental authorities.
  1. Inclusion and Assistance:
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): Promotes inclusivity and has initiatives aimed at reducing global inequalities, focusing on global social safety nets and equitable access to resources.
  • Milken Institute Global Conference: Concentrates on economic empowerment through innovation and entrepreneurship, seeing economic growth as a vehicle for creating opportunities rather than direct assistance.
  • Digital Davos: Prioritizes enabling communities and industries to provide inclusion and assistance organically rather than through top-down mandates, emphasizing empowerment through local and decentralized initiatives.
  1. Economic Philosophy:
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): Adheres to a globalist and multilateral approach, advocating for interconnected economic policies and sustainable development.
  • Milken Institute Global Conference: Champions free-market capitalism, focusing on deregulation and entrepreneurship as key to economic progress.
  • Digital Davos: Aligns with the Austrian School of Economics, which emphasizes minimal government intervention and the importance of individual choices and spontaneous order arising from personal decisions.
  1. Problem Solving Approach:
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): Promotes consensus-driven solutions involving multiple stakeholders, including governments, corporations, and civil societies.
  • Milken Institute Global Conference: Favors innovation-led solutions by the private sector, emphasizing the role of technologies and business innovations.
  • Digital Davos: Trusts in the capacity of individuals and communities to develop their own solutions, focusing on innovation and grassroots initiatives rather than top-down strategies.

Main Differences:

  1. Role of Government and Decentralization:
  • The WEF sees the government as a partner in global governance, while the Milken Conference views it as an enabler of private sector solutions. Digital Davos, on the other hand, advocates for minimal government involvement and significant decentralization, giving more power to local communities and the private sector.
  1. Economic Philosophy and Approach to Problem Solving:
  • The WEF integrates a sustainable and inclusive growth ideology into economic discussions, balancing profit with social responsibility. The Milken Conference emphasizes maximizing economic efficiency through entrepreneurship, while Digital Davos relies on the Austrian economic principles, prioritizing individual and local initiatives and solutions driven by personal and community innovation.

These differences highlight the unique approaches each platform takes toward addressing global challenges, from policy-driven collaborative methods to individualistic and decentralized strategies.

Conference Agenda

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: AI in Hollywood: Innovations and Implications

•Description: This panel explores the burgeoning role of AI in the entertainment industry, focusing on copyright and licensing challenges, the ethical standards concerning the use of deepfake technology, and the emerging possibilities for crowd-sourced films. Join industry leaders as they discuss the transformation of content creation and protection in Hollywood.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Cryptocurrency: The New Frontier of Diversification

•Description: This discussion delves into the innovative use of cryptocurrency as a diversification tool and its intrinsic link to AI development through blockchain technologies. Experts will analyze how cryptocurrencies are becoming the de facto currency of AI, transforming investment landscapes and technology applications.

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: The Evolution of Global and Local Real Estate Post-COVID

•Description: This session examines the significant shifts in the real estate sector, particularly in retail and office spaces, following the COVID19 pandemic. Panelists will discuss current trends, future forecasts, and the strategic adaptation required to thrive in this new reality.

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Global Conflicts and Economic Impact: A Modern Analysis

•Description: Amid ongoing conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East, this panel will explore the concept of proxy wars and their broader implications on the global economy. Join geopolitical experts and economists as they unpack these complex dynamics and forecast their long-term effects.

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Quantum Frontiers: Space and Alternative Realities

•Description: This session will venture into the exciting intersection of quantum physics and its applications in technology, including the exploration of space and alternative realities. Scientists and technologists will discuss groundbreaking advancements and theoretical possibilities that could reshape our understanding of the universe.

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Venture Capital Trends: Where to Invest Now

•Description: In this panel, venture capitalists and industry analysts will discuss the evolving landscapes of investment, highlighting promising industries and countries. Learn what makes a company attractive to investors and how businesses can adapt to attract significant venture capital in a changing world.

The Invent is strictly by invitation only.

Apply for an Invitation: This event is strictly by invitation. To secure your participation at this elite gathering, please apply at Experience a day of transformative insights and unparalleled networking at Digital Davos LA – FutureTech. Join us to explore the future of technology and business in an exclusive, intimate setting.

Corporate Sponsor Table:

•Inclusions: Access to all discussions and the cocktail party, with the option for dedicated bottle service and pass for 5 people

email: for Pricing