Decentralized Tech On Earth & Space

Decentralized Technologies On Earth and In Space

Uncover how Filecoin and IPFS are being leveraged for critical innovation on dual frontiers, with advanced sustainability tracking to protect our planet and novel communications solutions for space exploration.

Speakers: Alan Ransil, Dietrich Ayala

Moderator: Megan Klimen


Alan’s bio: Alan leads the Filecoin Green initiative at Protocol Labs, where he focuses on tools providing improved transparency for climate solutions. He studied energy storage materials at MIT where he received his PhD in 2018, and has worked on projects for the MIT Energy Initiative, ARPA-E, and DARPA. He is an advisor to the Global Carbon Reward project, and an organizer for the Sustainable Blockchain Summit.

Megan Klimen, Co-founding Officer, Filecoin Foundation

Megan Klimen is the co-founding officer of Filecoin Foundation and Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web. Previously, she was co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of 3Scan, a biotech startup that developed 3D robotic serial sectioning microscopes, with the mission of enabling big data analysis of human tissue for applications including clinical diagnostics, drug discovery, 3D organ printing, and brain mapping. In addition, Megan co-ran an open data project in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, that organized and made available academic and military research, co-organized the open-source “BIL” Conference, and is a founding member of Women in Hardware.

t sure is a great utilization of these technologies but scalability concerns might hinder the success of these integrations into space communication networks. How would these issues be addressed?

Would love to hear more on this topic.

Is there some information about how I can attend this talk, or listen to a recording if the talk has taken place already?