Davos No Permits After September 29

Just a reminder for all event sponsors and organizers in Davos. If you need any outdoor branding because you organize your own event or sponsor one where you are featured in the window, or if you require any customization of a location, it’s your last week to do so. As of the close of business on September 29, 2023, no new applications for street-facing branding or any usage of buildings will be permitted by the community for Davos in January 2024. So, if you are a main sponsor, have your artwork ready and contact your organizer. Sponsors still looking for exposure can post in this discussion to investigate whether there are still some branding opportunities available. They are encouraged to write directly to their event organizers

Just a reminder for all: please ask for permission prior to using any other brand image, logo, or claiming any affiliation. The diversity of events makes Davos so cool. Make your event outstanding and show how you are different. For the Digital.Davos please quote sources and don’t infringe on any brand. I wish all success and looking forward to Davos 2024

A post was split to a new topic: Davos Phase II