Davos multi Events Provide Balance

It’s no secret that the WEF has faced criticism for its innate paradox.

Ironically, criticism of Klaus Schwab’s book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a literal mirror of the criticisms facing the WEF as a whole. Namely, the western-centric, business-oriented view that technology will determine our futures – while simultaneously ignoring the impact on social structures, increased economic inequality, impact on cultural fabrics, ethical and moral implications, lack of diverse perspectives… and the list goes on.

While the world is probably much better off with the WEF than without, one could argue that there is a somewhat pollyannish optimism among those who are most privileged (especially when they get together in the Alps) as well as an over simplification of very nuanced and complex issues.

I would argue that the multitude of side events in Davos that run parallel to the WEF are providing vital balance. I see the Promenade as having become a gentrified equivalent to the street in every city where the Hard Rock Cafe and Five Guys duke it out for business.

The Davos parallel events are like the side streets where you can still get great tapas and red wine, served by an independent proprietor who is genuinely happy to see you.

Each year, the parallel events in Davos are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the character and direction of the WEF.


Thanks @CohenJoseph I and surely others have a similar take on the way the yearly event is evolving.

There are numerous opportunities on the promenade to meet like-minded people in a less formal and restrictive atmosphere. Two that come to mind are Hub Davos, and ChainBLX

• Hub Davos: Since 2002 the organization Hub Culture has been a global collaboration network whose goal is to foster connections and innovative ideas among a diverse range of professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. They are known for “Pavilions” that exist as both virtual and physical spaces at major events around the world. Hub Davos is their annual Pavilion that coincides with the WEF, and is set up at various locations where Hub members can collaborate.

• ChainBLX: Similar to Hub, ChainBLX hosts collaborative events around the world, with an annual presence in Davos, as well as recent events in Dubai, Zurich, and the Cayman Islands. Entrepreneurs meet with a focus on offshore entities as well as general growth and alliances.

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Aspect Digital.Davos: sponsorship-driven Others: $250K yearly fee
View on Government Emphasis on minimum government and decentralization with power to communities. Generally focuses on global collaboration between governments, international organizations, and corporations.
Inclusion and Assistance Focus on inclusion and assistance rather than placing members. Emphasizes initiatives for equitable economic growth and social development, sometimes through different membership clubs.
Economic Philosophy Austrian economics and not absolute ownership. Supports Keynesian and social approaches, based on context.
Problem-Solving Approach Trusts in humans to develop solutions to problems, focusing on innovation. Advocates behavioral change, policy incentives, and international cooperation to address global challenges like climate change.

Helpful infographic. Thanks for sharing!

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Interesting Graphic. I broke it down per capita. No real surprises, but it does demonstrate the Asia is not represented nearly as well.

Per Capita Attendees to WEF (based upon overall population):

Switzerland = 1 per 55,324

United Kingdom = 1 per 248,148

Netherlands = 1 per 255,337

United States = 1 per 492,581

France = 1 per 566,666

Germany = 1 per 607,990

Canada = 1 per 615,576

Japan = 1 per 1,245,399

India = 1 per 10,720,119

China = 1 per 19,265,829