Davos & Manels

A great reminder that more work still needs to be done. The requirement for large firms to bring at least one woman to Davos for every four men (someday that will be absurdly funny), as well as avoiding Manels (men-only panels), are a good start.

This article does a great job of addressing the elephant in the room. The social nature of the WEF means that women at the conference still have to deal with unwanted approaches. You can argue that it is just normal human interaction at parties. People forget that women at this conference are doing their JOB, even if it means attending a party. Word needs to be put out that these are professional networking events, not the lobby bar at Holiday Inn.

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I hear where you’re coming from. At the same time I want to go to Davos but I don’t want to be invited as the woman to fill a quota.

Good points @KLook – I agree about the vision for achieving equality being more than just about quotas; it’s about changing how companies work and making sure women feel strong and valued in all roles, from leadership to other positions.


How are blockchain and crypto doing to your experience? I know in Davos we had many women presenting but i got the feeling that it was still not 50% 50%, but much better as in other industries.

Interesting. Actually, women are under-represented in blockchain compared with many other industries.

“According to a report from early 2022, the share of women working in crypto and blockchain was 26.5%, down from 30% a year ago. In comparison, women hold roughly 43% of all jobs in the banking and investment sector.”

20+ Women in crypto statistics 2022 - CoinJournal.

Intresting that women are more represented in the financial industries and not so much in Crypto. Probably it is an indication for the gab in communication between the traditional investment industries and the crypto community. Both are valid investments but the crypto industry has to learn to speak finance

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Some interesting thoughts about diversity in Patent litigation : Attys Tout Need For Diverse IP Trial Counsel Amid Skepticism

By Ryan Davis

Efforts to boost diversity among attorneys leading intellectual property litigation can improve results and remain a priority for many firms and clients, even amid lawsuits and legislative scrutiny of such practices, attorneys said at a conference Monday.

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Yes, in terms of the under-representation of women in crypto, this is largely in line with the tech startup industry as a whole. So, not particularly an outlier in terms of emerging technologies, but part of an overall trend that needs to change.

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An article that sheds some light on the issue:

“…a culture that was on full display at the North American Bitcoin Conference in 2018 where the 5,000 attendees were invited to a “networking party” at a well-known Miami…”