Blockchain to Battle UKR Corruption

The misappropriation of resources donated to Ukraine has been in the news lately, and is widely believed to have been an indirect factor in the recent dismissal of the country’s defense minister.

This corruption is a threat to the security of Europe. If governments are unable to sustain support for donating to the war effort, Ukraine could eventually fall. Then Europe would face an emboldened and rebuilt Russia in the years to come.

The tracking of donated funds and materials with blockchain tech seems like a relatively simple solution. I am not, however, technically knowledgeable enough to suggest how this could be done.

I would like to invite the Network to suggest ideas on this thread as to how blockchain could be implemented in this regard.

Also, would it be possible to engage in a dialogue with the Blockchain Association of Ukraine to find a way to actually make this happen?

FD: I am not in any way affiliated with the BAU

not sure how to make it actually happen but here are a couple of ideas

Supply Chain Transparency - can help prevent corruption in areas like public procurement by ensuring that contracts are awarded fairly and that products and services are delivered as promised.

Smart Contracts - The most obvious and needed solution. Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. The stuff gets to the right people without any nonsense.

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Valid points have been raised. Another significant aspect pertains to private-sector investments in technology and digital infrastructure. Regrettably, conventional business models and physical infrastructure often prove to be the most susceptible to corrupt practices in many nations. Furthermore, they can be exceptionally challenging to reconstruct during or immediately after periods of conflict.
One noteworthy initiative in this regard from ChainBLX is in supporting fund managers strategically focused on directing investments towards Ukrainian technology startups. Such initiatives in Ukrainian tech – a noteworthy emerging industry with several unicorns – operates in an environment where bureaucratic obstacles and corruption are comparatively far less pervasive, and where the capacity to create and sustain employment remains relatively unaffected by uncertainties surrounding physical infrastructure. The digital asset side of this is that ChainBLX facilitates capital deployment into such initiatives via cryptocurrencies and digital assets – initiatives for which CKC.Fund manages liquidity. This avenue presents a compelling opportunity to directly channel financial resources into the hands of entrepreneurs and job creators.

Bravo! When a sound business model is also helpful to a society, that’s perfect.

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It appears TechCrunch is really bullish on Ukrainian Startups, saying that “Ukrainian startups are the horse to bet on”.

This article came out a year after the invasion and they couldn’t be more effusive


@David-CKC-Fund The idea of directing capital to deserving Ukrainian startups sounds fantastic. However investors will be understandably hesitant considering the instability of the region. You addressed this issue in your post, but may I ask to elaborate a bit on how ChainBLX addressing this concern?

A helpful list of investment opportunities in Ukraine. One way to look this is that Ukraine offers the best of both worlds:

1) The high upside potential of an emerging market.
I would characterize Ukraine as an emerging market, considering the level of reconstruction that will unfortunately be required.

2) The infrastructure and talent of a developed nation.
Despite the destruction, the fundamentals of a modern infrastructure remain in place. Add to that a highly skilled and motivated workforce.

These two factors make for a terrific opportunity for the right investor, paired with the right company.

I found this on the website. For those of you who are only looking at, ChainBLX is the parent company that manages various funds. On their website, they promote a Ukraine alliance as shown below. Now, the question that remains is why nobody from their team has weighed in on the discussion here?

Ukraine Alliance

The Ukraine Alliance provides an opportunity for companies and venture funds to establish early partnerships with businesses in a new and emerging economy after the resolution of the current conflict. These funds invest in the crypto, blockchain, and information technology industries in post-war Ukraine to align the interests of its investors with the economic interests of the Ukrainian people. Accredited investors and organizations can invest in these funds using BTC and ETH, which are then used to invest in potential targets using USD convertible debt. The funds also reserve the right to allocate up to 10% of their resources to other humanitarian causes.
We believe that true assistance is rooted in actively engaging with peers in the Ukrainian economy to establish a bright and prosperous future in a global market environment, rather than solely relying on charity. These strategies have been discussed during round tables in Davos with members of the Ukraine Parliament, World Bank, leading industries, and major hedge fund managers.

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I’m not convinced the Ukrainian Alliance is legit. Additional info?

@IanT this page has nothing to do with chainblx SPC or Ukrainian alliance SP - Chainblx SPC. First chainblx never asks for donation and second would never promote a fund on a public website. CHAINBLX HAS TO FOLLOW CIMA AND SEC REGULATIONS


Hello All,

There is another thread on this forum about employing blockchain to curtail corruption in Ukraine. However, I thought it would be worthwhile to start a thread that is focused on investing in the country. Not only is investment needed for humanitarian reasons, it is, pragmatically, a smart and sound opportunity.

A study by Endeavor concluded that startups in markets like Ukraine reach unicorn status faster. Also…

“Emerging market unicorns are more often solving real problems at scale, compared to U.S. unicorns that tend to follow VC fads.”

On a parallel note, the study includes interesting insights into the pathways followed by highly successful founders in general, some conclusions from the study in brief:

-Studied science or engineering rather than business by a factor of 3 to 1
-Fewer than half graduated from an elite university
-For US founders, slightly more than half are immigrants, or their parents are
-Only a fifth worked in consulting, big tech, or banking before starting their companies
-About half of unicorns are the first company started by the founder
-In general, founders of this type are not necessarily young

Hello All,

There is another thread on this forum about employing blockchain to curtail corruption in Ukraine. However, I thought it would be worthwhile to start a thread that is focused on investing in the country. Not only is investment needed for humanitarian reasons, it is, pragmatically, a smart and sound opportunity.

A study by Endeavor concluded that startups in markets like Ukraine reach unicorn status faster. Also…

“Emerging market unicorns are more often solving real problems at scale, compared to U.S. unicorns that tend to follow VC fads.”

On a parallel note, the study includes interesting insights into the pathways followed by highly successful founders in general, some conclusions from the study in brief:

-Studied science or engineering rather than business by a factor of 3 to 1
-Fewer than half graduated from an elite university
-For US founders, slightly more than half are immigrants, or their parents are
-Only a fifth worked in consulting, big tech, or banking before starting their companies
-About half of unicorns are the first company started by the founder
-In general, founders of this type are not necessarily young

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Interesting points @MFrank . Relatedly, some more info on Ukrainian startup unicorns: