Blockchain & AI

“Electronic computers had barely been around for a decade in the 1940s, before experiments with AI began. Now we have AI models that can write poetry and generate images from textual prompts. But what’s led to such exponential growth in such a short time?”

An interesting read on AI’s explosive growth over the past few years. Do you think there will be promising AI projects that will utilize blockchain technology? (either as an investing mechanism, for data and transaction security, or for some other use case)


Relatedly, a recent Digital Davos discussion of the interplay between AI and blockchain:

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Yes, I believe that the integration of AI and blockchain technology is likely to lead to many promising projects. For example, there is already work being done to create gaming systems with AI-driven worlds and blockchain-based economies, but generally-speaking I can see that AI will be used in combination with blockchain technologies to improve transaction efficiency, security, and engagement.